Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Sunday


After receiving 8+ inches of fresh snow Friday night, I decided to meet Courtney Baker, Brandon Russell, Gavin White, and my brother at the Kendall Lake Sports Center for a day full of snowshoeing.  After renting snowshoes from here for my first time about a month ago, I was really looking forward to doing it again.  You can’t beat all day rental for $5! 

DSC00342 We started off by heading over to Kendall Hills and then continued off-trail in that direction for quite some time.  After about an hour and a half of aimless wandering we decided to turn around and attempt to navigate our way back to Kendall Lake.  We finished up with about 3 hours total and got in a lot of big climbs and downhills.  It looks like I might be doing this again next weekend too because they’re calling for another big snow storm Tuesday night that will dump an additional 6-9 inches on us.

Click Here to view the rest of the photos I took today.

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