Thursday, October 22, 2009

Crooked River Run

This evening my brother and I headed over to Lock 29 in Peninsula to run with the Crooked River Trail Runners group for the first time. This is basically a beginning (social) trail running group led by Jim Christ. Each week a different run location is chosen which is then usually followed by food & beer at a local bar/restaurant. Tonight we began running past Terry's Lumber Yard, up "Initiation Hill", and then turning left onto the Buckeye Trail. Once on the BT we then followed the trail down towards the Boston Store but turned left once we hit the path leading to the Boston Store so that we could meet up with the Towpath and take that back to Lock 29. Jeff and I ran the last mile or so pretty hard and finished up with around 5 miles. Afterwards we stopped by the Winking Lizard with Melissa Cairns and others for a few beers!

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